WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


How Long Does Vape Nicotine Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Vape Nicotine Stay in Your System

An increasing number of individuals are opting for vaping over traditional cigarettes because it’s a safer alternative. This surge in vaping is influenced by the fact that it exposes users to less toxins. In addition, it’s not easy to quit smoking because of the addictive nature that nicotine possesses.

Whether you vape to avoid risks associated with traditional smoking or use it as a means of quitting, it’s paramount for one to understand how long the molecules stay within your body.

Typically, nicotine from vaping remains in your system for anywhere from 24 -72 hours. But factors like age, genetic predisposition, and diet play a role in determining the detox period.

Now let’s find out how long nicotine from vaping accumulates in your body, plus what you could do to eliminate it.

How Long Does Vape Nicotine Stay in Your System?

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Vape nicotine stays in your body for 24-72 hours after exposure. After this period, your system will test negative for nicotine. However, traces of cotinine—a metabolic substance from nicotine—lingers in your system much longer – up to three weeks. That is why most tests focus on cotinine rather than nicotine.

How long nicotine stays in your system depends on many factors. The primary factor is your vape’s nicotine content. Most vape devices contain 30mg-60mg of nicotine per ml of fluid. If concentration is high, it stays longer in your system.

Other factors include:

  • Frequency of use – Regular vaping causes an accumulation of nicotine in your blood.
  • Your genetic makeup – Different body systems metabolize nicotine at different speeds.
  • Liver and kidney function – A good liver and a well-functioning kidney will help your body to effectively get rid of nicotine.
  • Age. Nicotine stays in the body systems longer for older people.
  • Diet and eating frequency. Antioxidants from food such as garlic clear nicotine from your system faster.
  • Gender and hormonal differences. Females clear nicotine from the body system faster than males.

How Long After Vaping Will You Test Positive for Nicotine?

How Long After Vaping Will You Test Positive for Nicotine

Nicotine stays in your blood for 24-72 hours after your last vape. Within this period, you will test positive for nicotine.

Note that cotinine stays in your system longer. This is why you can still test for traces of cotinine up to 10 days post-vaping.

There are four common nicotine tests.

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1. Blood Test

A blood test is the most common way to get vape nicotine checked in your body. In this particular test, the lab technician collects blood from your body and tests it for nicotine.

If you have nicotine molecules, they will remain traceable for up to 3 days post-vaping. As for cotinine, the molecules can be detected for up to 10 days.

One downside of blood tests is that they can indicate a false positive. This happens when thiocyanate, a compound present in nicotine and some food substances such as cabbage, appears in the test result.

2. Urine Test

A urine test involves soaking a test kit in your urine sample for 2-4 minutes. It is a common method, and many people prefer it because it is non-invasive.

Your urine will test positive for nicotine up to 4 days after vaping. After this period, urine tests positive for cotinine for up to 21 days.

Insurance providers and employers find this method more accurate because it indicates six times more cotinine than blood tests. Besides, it is economical.

3. Saliva Test

For a saliva test, your sample of the saliva is sent to a lab for testing. Vape nicotine in saliva may remain for up to 4 days after vaping.

The saliva test is popular because it is non-invasive and can test smaller nicotine levels. Besides, it is cheap.

One downside of this test is that it won’t offer immediate results like the urine test.

4. Hair Follicle Test

Another test worth checking out is the hair follicle test. Here, a strand of hair near your scalp is removed and sent to the lab for analysis.  Unlike other tests, this one takes longer to return the results.

Nicotine can stay in your hair follicles for 3-12 months. This test method is, therefore, ideal for detecting long-term exposure to nicotine for rehabilitation, medication, and legal purposes.

How Do You Get Nicotine Vape Out of Your System Fast?

How Do You Get Nicotine Vape Out of Your System Fast

You should stop vaping if you want to test negative for nicotine. This is not easy for a seasoned vaper because the high concentration of nicotine will appear in your blood long after you stop vaping.

Great news, you can accelerate nicotine metabolism in your body. The following tips can help you get nicotine vape out of your system fast.

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1. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking ample amounts of water is essential, as it helps the body flush waste from your kidneys and liver. This increases the amount of nicotine leaving your body, among other waste substances.

You should drink about two liters of water daily to not only increase your metabolic rate but also curb some puffs.

2. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise increases your pulse rate and enhances waste removal. You can go for a morning and evening jog in the hood, rope jump, or play your favorite ball game.

Your craving for vaping and withdrawal symptoms reduce significantly during and after exercise. Besides, your body’s metabolic rate increases, leading to waste removal through sweat. In the process, more nicotine leaves your body with other waste products.

3. Consume Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidants promote waste decomposition in your body. Eating foods rich in antioxidants can increase nicotine removal from your system with other waste materials. Oxidant-rich foods include broccoli, carrots, potato, and spinach.

You can also get antioxidants from dietary supplements like vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene. But do not consume them excessively because high dosages are detrimental to your well-being.

How Long Does Nicotine Withdrawal Last?

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Quitting nicotine vaping is good for your health, but it is not easy. You will experience cravings, restlessness, and anxiety. When you experience these symptoms, know that your body is recovering from nicotine deficiency.

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms disappear after 2-4 weeks. During the recovery period, the symptoms can become severe and tempt you to go back to vaping. You will also gain weight due to more frequent hunger pangs.

These side effects should not discourage your quest to stop vaping. Instead, focus on the long-term benefits, while managing the side effects.

Managing Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms is challenging. Your body needs time to adjust to your new lifestyle. The following tips can help you stay motivated after quitting nicotine vaping.

  • Focus on the end result and not the hurdles on the way. What are your reasons for quitting nicotine? List them and go through them when cravings tempt you.
  • Seek help. A problem shared is a problem halved. Your family and friends can help you deal with withdrawal symptoms. Whether they distract you or remind you of the reasons you quit, they will make the journey easier.
  • Stay busy. Engaging in constructive activities can divert your mind from vapes. If you used to vape twice daily, make plans to stay busy during the vaping time.
  • Drink water, do simple exercises, and delay acting on the craving. You will be surprised how quickly your body gets used to “no-vaping.”
  • Change your company. The people you hang out with can trigger your cravings for a puff. Therefore, you have to make the tough decision of hanging out with them less often. You can also change your hang-out spots.
  • If you meet someone vaping, take water or chew gum. This will divert your attention and help you get over the craving.

Nicotine-Free Vaping: Is it Possible?

Our Top Pick
SPIRITBAR Jack's Flask 9000 Puffs

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Yes. Nicotine-free vaping is possible if you are not ready to quit. Unlike traditional cigarettes, vape devices come with different oils and juices. You can adapt the nicotine-free juices such as ice menthol and blue raspberry which come in different sizes.

The upside to nicotine-free vaping juices is that if you’re an avid vaper you can relish the thrill of vaping without the detrimental effects linked to nicotine. What more? You won’t have problems with your new employer or insurance provider.

Note that nicotine-free vape juices come in larger packages making them more environmentally friendly. You can use one package for a long time and avoid littering the environment with empty packages.

Another advantage of these alternative vaping juices is that they are non-addictive. You can choose when you enjoy the puff without craving as in nicotine vapes. And if you are new to vaping, nicotine-free oils are ideal to help you gain experience.

Parting Shot

Vape nicotine stays in your system for 3-4 days. However, its metabolic products can stay up to one year, depending on the amount you consume. That is why different tests will come out positive for nicotine long after you quit vaping.

How long nicotine takes to get out of your body system depends on metabolic rate. You can increase this rate through exercise, water intake, and consuming food rich in antioxidants. But remember, age, gender, health, and genetic predisposition also affect nicotine removal from the body.

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